Sunday, 1 December 2013

Oh, Saudi

Saudi is so hypocritical it's crossed the line into ADORABLE. While its grievances aren't to be sniffed at, Saudi Arabia probably benefits more from double standards than any other state on the planet. I wish certain other members of the Security Council were in a position to give a response like "We are so sorry to hear of your righteous anger over 'double standards' and will begin redressing this starting with relations with your own country. We will be in touch soon regarding issues of gender apartheid, workers' rights, capital punishment, prohibition of non-Islamic religious practice and the persecution of religious minorities, imprisonment and execution of LGBT people, political imprisonment, restriction of free speech, discrimination against HIV/AIDS patients, racism toward Asians and Jews, and the assumption that all bellydancers want to fuck you for money. We've been overlooking this because it wasn't in our political or economic interest to point it out, and perhaps also because of some leftover colonial idea that Arabs are a bit childlike and not capable of meeting grown-up standards of civilised behaviour. But now that you have requested we end our double standards, we'll be over shortly with a team of lawyers, several armies, some copies of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (in case you'd like to finally sign it) and the collected works of the European and Islamic Enlightenments."

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