Thursday, 23 June 2011

I am businesslike

I just had a business call an hour early because my employer forgot the time difference between our countries. I am amused that the frantic scramble to make my room presentable for video skype I had to move ridiculous numbers of condom wrappers (they were just for work, I swear...or does that make it sound worse?), about eight smashed port bottles, and a pair of lurex hotpants. I then threw on a collared shirt and discussed eighteenth-century finance like a perfectly respectable human being. Ha.

Speaking of respectably human beings: Before the call I had been on the phone with my wife, who is at work at fretting that "there are dead bodies everywhere". She's pretty good at one-upping me with the work crises.

Friday, 17 June 2011


I just came across this exchange, from nearly a year ago:
-Is he your boyfriend person?
-He is my future husband! But I am trying to be cool about him. I may be failing.
-Are you seeing him tomorrow?
-What are you doing?